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Input-Output Conference 2010

Ratita Bebe

My name is Ratita Bebe and I am working with Environment & Conservation Division (ECD) in Kiribati but based on Kiritimati (Christmas) Island with Wildlife & Conservation Unit (WCU). My work mainly focuses on the enforcement of Kiribati Environment Act and Kiribati Wildlife Conservation Ordinance (CAP 100). As in Environment Inspector (EI) and Enforcement Office (EO), working with the community is one of my office core duties throughout outreach community awareness and school awareness program to assist our local communities to understand that it very important for all of us to carry out our development and use of resources in a sustainable way that is why it really important to regulate all development activities on our island and at National level. As an EI or EO working with community is one of our priority tasks and I love being working with them.

While based on Kiritimati (Christmas) Island, another priority task is the protection of protected birds and other protected species. Therefore, my work also involves eradication and control of IAS around breeding grounds both on land and islets. This also involved solid waste management in the context of piles of wastes can be a best breeding grounds for IAS especially rats.

Climate change is a very common issue at the National level for Kiribati and is also one of our office’s great concerns especially in the face of biodiversity loss and change in weather patterns around the island. Having less rainfall is commonly experienced on Kiritimati Island.

WCU is a small office with only 9 staff including me, and it responsible for the Line and Phoenix Islands.

Ratita Bebe

For further information please contact

Prof Manfred Lenzen
ISA, A28
The University of Sydney NSW 2006
+61 (0)2 9351-5985
[email protected]