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Input-Output Conference 2010

Maketara Ioane

I am married woman with four kids. I currently working as a Regional Economist Planner within the Development Project and Management Unit for the Ministry of Line and Phoenix Islands Development on Christmas Island. The Ministry of Line and Phoenix Groups is the only ministry in Kiribati that was established along geographical line to administer and develop all the islands in the Line and Phoenix Region. The ministry hopes to develop a sustainable economy for the islands that would enable them to be self-sufficient in the long term with minimum dependence on central government.

My main responsibility is to work on the project documents for new development proposal project for the ministry and the region. The development project documents should be prepared and submitted on time and our important role is to ensure that every development proposals should be in line with the Kiribati Development Plan.

I am very happy to be one of the participants for the Australian Awards Fellowships Training for 2015. I am sure the training will enable us to have more good understanding and knowledge on sustainable new developments projects to our small and remote Kiritimati Island.

Looking forward to meet and work together with everyone in the program.

Maketara Ioane

For further information please contact

Prof Manfred Lenzen
ISA, A28
The University of Sydney NSW 2006
+61 (0)2 9351-5985
[email protected]