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Input-Output Conference 2010

Jodie Quintal

Jodie Quintal holds a Bachelor of Arts majoring in geography from the University of Sydney and a Graduate Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of New England. She worked as a town planner in the NSW Government for 10 years and moved to Norfolk Island in 1995.

Jodie has worked with the Norfolk Island community on planning and environmental issues since 1996 in both public and private sectors, currently running a small planning and projects consultancy. Jodie has an extensive background in urban and regional planning, environmental research, policy development and environmental impact assessment. In Norfolk Island, Jodie has worked on waste management, climate change vulnerability assessment, natural and cultural heritage management, population policy, development control, tourism strategies, infrastructure planning; and sustainable planning and land use management. Jodie has been involved in several community consultation programs including waste management, statutory land use plans, heritage management, tourism planning and natural resource management.

Jodie's work experience has enabled her to gain a thorough understanding of the need to balance environmental, social and economic aspirations in order to achieve community sustainability. Living in a small remote island has enabled her to gain hands on knowledge and experience to contribute to practical solutions for sustainable environmental management in similar communities.

Jodie Quintal


For further information please contact

Prof Manfred Lenzen
ISA, A28
The University of Sydney NSW 2006
+61 (0)2 9351-5985
[email protected]