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Input-Output Conference 2010

Dan Olaf Rasmussen

Upon completion of my Bachelor of Science (BSC) degree in Environmental Science from University of Auckland I returned home with the ambition of finding a position within the Environment sector. The Cook Islands National Environment Service (NES) provided me with an opportunity to start as an assistant to a technical adviser on a UNCCD project based around Sustainable Land Management (SLM) this experience proved invaluable as it provided a step in the right direction in forging a career within the Environmental management field for the Cook Islands.

After completing a yearlong contract, a full-time position within the National Environment service was made available within the Compliance and Advisory division, as a senior compliance/ GIS officer. The Cook Islands National Environment Service deals in a diverse range of environmentally related issues with various work plans that are aimed at sustainable environmental management.

Within NES I have been lucky enough to experience diverse array of environmentally related issues on a number of levels in various scopes such as interaction with the public at a local level through numerous education and awareness programmes, representing the Cook Islands in attendance of regional meetings and also have had exposure on a international level with Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEA) meetings.

My future aspiration include returning to University with the intention of completing a Masters degree or post- graduate level certification and hopefully return home to the Cook Islands to further my career in the Environmental science or management field.

Dan Olaf Rasmussen

For further information please contact

Prof Manfred Lenzen
ISA, A28
The University of Sydney NSW 2006
+61 (0)2 9351-5985
[email protected]