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Denise QuintalDenise Quintal has over 10 years' experience in mentoring and assisting the Norfolk Island community. In 2000 she chaperoned year 10 students to address YouthCan 2000 in New York highlighting the need for Island Care, and was instrumental in students attending the UN Sustainable Development School. In 2003 she founded EcoNorfolk Foundation Inc a not for profit organisation. As an active lobbyist to both the Commonwealth and Norfolk Island Governments she has fought for change presenting to the Joint Standing Committees. In 2005 the Foundation was successful in an Administrative Tribunal decision to sign 'No ocean outfall by 2015'. The Foundation completed the draft Norfolk Island Waste Education Strategic Plan 2008-2013. Denise is the Co-Founder and Chair of Norfolk Women's Forum, and has been instrumental with other island women in conducting forums and workshops identifying local island issues. In 2007 she engaged the University of Sydney, Integrated Sustainability Analysis team to footprint Norfolk Island businesses.
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