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Input-Output Conference 2010

Satoshi Inomata

Satoshi Inomata is the Director of the International Input-Output Analysis Group, Institute of Developing Economies (IDE-JETRO). He received his B.A. in Politics and Economics from the University of London and M.Sc. in Development Economics from the University of Oxford. He has been involved in the construction of the Asian International Input-Output Tables (AIOT) for 1990, 1995 and 2000, the tables which cover nine East Asian countries and the United States. In 2007, he initiated and organised a new project, alongside of the 2005 AIOT, for constructing the 2005 BRICs International Input-Output Table that covers (for the first time ever) BRICs economies plus Japan, the U.S.A., and the EU. These new sets of data shall be available from IDE in early 2012.

Satoshi Inomata


For further information please contact

Prof Manfred Lenzen
ISA, A28
The University of Sydney NSW 2006
+61 (0)2 9351-5985
[email protected]